In this article I will go over how to create and use a graph database with [Flutter]( **TLDR** The final source [here]( and an online [demo]( ## Prerequisites Flutter installed and setup (Refer to this [article]( if you need help). Basic knowledge of [SQLite]( Basic knowledge of Graph Databases (Refer to this [video]( if you need to learn more). ## Overview First of all, why do we need a graph database when other storage options exist? Why not use key value stores, document stores, or relational databases? Well, the answer is that it depends on the problem you are trying to solve. Graph databases are great for modeling relationships between data. A couple examples: - A social network app can model the relationships between users and posts - A game can model the relationships between players and items - A blog can model the relationships between posts and comments The possibilities are endless. Instead of storing data in a table for each collection we store the data as a graph in a nodes and edges table with some additional extensions in SQLite to make it easier. Here is a [page]( that goes in to detail about it and showcases what we are trying to build. ## Getting Started First we need to create a new Flutter project. ```bash mkdir flutter_graph_database cd flutter_graph_database flutter create . ``` After the project is created open it in your favorite code editor. ```bash code . ``` ## Creating the Database We are going to use the [drift](h package to create the database. Update the **pubspec.yaml** file with the following: ```yaml name: flutter_graph_database description: A new Flutter package project. version: 0.0.1 publish_to: none environment: sdk: "> <3.0.0" flutter: ">=1.17.0" dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter drift: ^2.1.0 sqlite3_flutter_libs: ^0.5.5 http: ^0.13.5 path_provider: ^2.0.0 path: ^1.8.2 sqlite3: ^1.7.0 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter flutter_lints: ^2.0.0 build_runner: ^2.2.0 drift_dev: ^2.1.0 flutter: ``` ### Database Connection Next we need to create the database. Create a new file at **lib/database/connection/unsupported.dart** and update it with the following: ```dart import 'package:drift/drift.dart'; import 'package:drift/native.dart'; DatabaseConnection connect( String dbName, { bool useWebWorker = false, bool logStatements = false, }) { return DatabaseConnection(NativeDatabase.memory( logStatements: logStatements, )); } ``` Create a new file at **lib/database/connection/native.dart** and update it with the following: ```dart import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:drift/drift.dart'; import 'package:drift/isolate.dart'; import 'package:drift/native.dart'; import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart'; import 'package:path/path.dart' as p; DatabaseConnection connect( String dbName, { bool useWebWorker = false, bool logStatements = false, }) { return DatabaseConnection.delayed(Future.sync(() async { final appDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(); final dbPath = p.join(appDir.path, dbName); final receiveDriftIsolate = ReceivePort(); await Isolate.spawn(_entrypointForDriftIsolate, _IsolateStartRequest(receiveDriftIsolate.sendPort, dbPath)); final driftIsolate = await receiveDriftIsolate.first as DriftIsolate; return driftIsolate.connect(); })); } class _IsolateStartRequest { final SendPort talkToMain; final String databasePath; _IsolateStartRequest(this.talkToMain, this.databasePath); } void _entrypointForDriftIsolate(_IsolateStartRequest request) { final databaseImpl = NativeDatabase( File(request.databasePath), logStatements: false, ); final driftServer = DriftIsolate.inCurrent( () => DatabaseConnection(databaseImpl), ); request.talkToMain.send(driftServer); } ``` Create a new file at **lib/database/connection/web.dart** and update it with the following: ```dart import 'dart:async'; // ignore: avoid_web_libraries_in_flutter import 'dart:html'; import 'package:drift/drift.dart'; import 'package:drift/remote.dart'; import 'package:drift/web.dart'; import 'package:drift/wasm.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:sqlite3/wasm.dart'; DatabaseConnection connect( String dbName, { bool useWebWorker = false, bool logStatements = false, }) { if (useWebWorker) { final worker = SharedWorker('shared_worker.dart.js'); return remote(worker.port!.channel()); } else { return DatabaseConnection.delayed(Future.sync(() async { final response = await http.get(Uri.parse('sqlite3.wasm')); final fs = await '/db/'); final path = '/drift/db/$dbName'; final sqlite3 = await WasmSqlite3.load( response.bodyBytes, SqliteEnvironment(fileSystem: fs), ); final databaseImpl = WasmDatabase( sqlite3: sqlite3, path: path, fileSystem: fs, // <- this is required but not documented logStatements: logStatements, ); return DatabaseConnection(databaseImpl); })); } } ``` Create a new file at **lib/database/connection/connection.dart** and update it with the following: ```dart export 'unsupported.dart' if (dart.library.js) 'web.dart' if (dart.library.ffi) 'native.dart'; ``` ### Database SQL Files #### Schema Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/schema.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS nodes ( body TEXT, id TEXT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (json_extract(body, '$.id')) VIRTUAL NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS id_idx ON nodes(id); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS edges ( source TEXT, target TEXT, properties TEXT, UNIQUE(source, target, properties) ON CONFLICT REPLACE, FOREIGN KEY(source) REFERENCES nodes(id), FOREIGN KEY(target) REFERENCES nodes(id) ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS source_idx ON edges(source); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS target_idx ON edges(target); ``` > The ID column is a virtual column that is generated from the body column. This is done so that we can query the database by ID without having to parse the JSON body column. #### Queries Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/queries.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; getAllNodes: SELECT * FROM nodes; getAllEdges: SELECT * FROM edges; ``` #### Delete Edge Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/delete-edge.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; deleteEdge: DELETE FROM edges WHERE source = ? OR target = ?; ``` #### Delete Node Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/delete-node.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; deleteNode: DELETE FROM nodes WHERE id = ?; ``` #### Insert Edge Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/insert-edge.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; insertEdge(:source as TEXT, :target as TEXT, :body as TEXT): INSERT INTO edges VALUES(:source, :target, json(:body)); ``` #### Insert Node Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/insert-node.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; insertNode(:body as TEXT): INSERT INTO nodes VALUES(json(:text)); ``` #### Search Edges Inbound Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/search-edges-inbound.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; searchEdgesInbound: SELECT * FROM edges WHERE source = ?; ``` #### Search Edges Outbound Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/search-edges-outbound.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; searchEdgesOutbound: SELECT * FROM edges WHERE target = ?; ``` #### Search Edges Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/search-edges.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; searchEdges: SELECT * FROM edges WHERE source = ? UNION SELECT * FROM edges WHERE target = ?; ``` #### Search Node By ID Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/search-node-by-id.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; searchNodeById: SELECT body FROM nodes WHERE id = ?; ``` #### Search Node Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/search-node.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; -- Create a text index of entries, see CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE node_entries USING fts5 ( body, content=nodes, content_rowid=id ); -- Triggers to keep entries and fts5 index in sync. CREATE TRIGGER nodes_insert AFTER INSERT ON nodes BEGIN INSERT INTO node_entries(rowid, body) VALUES (, new.body); END; CREATE TRIGGER nodes_delete AFTER DELETE ON nodes BEGIN INSERT INTO node_entries(node_entries, rowid, body) VALUES ('delete',, old.body); END; CREATE TRIGGER nodes_update AFTER UPDATE ON nodes BEGIN INSERT INTO node_entries(node_entries, rowid, body) VALUES ('delete',, new.body); INSERT INTO node_entries(rowid, body) VALUES (, new.body); END; -- Full text search query. searchNode: SELECT r.** FROM node_entries INNER JOIN nodes r ON = node_entries.rowid WHERE node_entries MATCH :query ORDER BY rank; ``` > Here we are using the [fts5]( extension to create a full text search index. This is a very powerful feature that allows us to search for nodes by their body text. #### Traverse Inbound Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/traverse-inbound.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; traverseInbound(:source AS TEXT): WITH RECURSIVE traverse(id) AS ( SELECT :source UNION SELECT source FROM edges JOIN traverse ON target = id ) SELECT id FROM traverse; ``` #### Traverse Outbound Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/traverse-outbound.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; traverseOutbound(:source AS TEXT): WITH RECURSIVE traverse(id) AS ( SELECT :source UNION SELECT target FROM edges JOIN traverse ON source = id ) SELECT id FROM traverse; ``` #### Traverse Bodies Inbound Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/traverse-with-bodies-inbound.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; traverseWithBodiesInbound(:source AS TEXT): WITH RECURSIVE traverse(x, y, obj) AS ( SELECT :source, '()', '{}' UNION SELECT id, '()', body FROM nodes JOIN traverse ON id = x UNION SELECT source, '<-', properties FROM edges JOIN traverse ON target = x ) SELECT x, y, obj FROM traverse; ``` #### Traverse Bodies Outbound Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/traverse-with-bodies-outbound.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; traverseWithBodiesOutbound(:source AS TEXT): WITH RECURSIVE traverse(x, y, obj) AS ( SELECT :source, '()', '{}' UNION SELECT id, '()', body FROM nodes JOIN traverse ON id = x UNION SELECT target, '->', properties FROM edges JOIN traverse ON source = x ) SELECT x, y, obj FROM traverse; ``` #### Traverse Bodies Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/traverse-bodies.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; traverseWithBodies(:source AS TEXT): WITH RECURSIVE traverse(x, y, obj) AS ( SELECT :source, '()', '{}' UNION SELECT id, '()', body FROM nodes JOIN traverse ON id = x UNION SELECT source, '<-', properties FROM edges JOIN traverse ON target = x UNION SELECT target, '->', properties FROM edges JOIN traverse ON source = x ) SELECT x, y, obj FROM traverse; ``` #### Traverse Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/traverse.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; traverse(:source AS TEXT): WITH RECURSIVE traverse(id) AS ( SELECT :source UNION SELECT source FROM edges JOIN traverse ON target = id UNION SELECT target FROM edges JOIN traverse ON source = id ) SELECT id FROM traverse; ``` #### Update Node Create a new file at **lib/database/sql/update-node.drift** and update it with the following: ```sql import 'schema.drift'; updateNode: UPDATE nodes SET body = json(?) WHERE id = ?; ``` ### Database Setup Create a new file at **lib/database/database.dart** and update it with the following: ```dart import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:drift/drift.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'connection/connection.dart' as impl; part 'database.g.dart'; @DriftDatabase(include: { 'sql/schema.drift', 'sql/queries.drift', 'sql/delete-edge.drift', 'sql/delete-node.drift', 'sql/insert-edge.drift', 'sql/insert-node.drift', 'sql/search-edges-inbound.drift', 'sql/search-edges-outbound.drift', 'sql/search-edges.drift', 'sql/search-node-by-id.drift', 'sql/search-node.drift', 'sql/traverse-inbound.drift', 'sql/traverse-outbound.drift', 'sql/traverse-with-bodies-inbound.drift', 'sql/traverse-with-bodies-outbound.drift', 'sql/traverse-with-bodies.drift', 'sql/traverse.drift', 'sql/update-node.drift', }) class GraphDatabase extends _$GraphDatabase { GraphDatabase({ String dbName = 'graph_db.db', DatabaseConnection? connection, bool useWebWorker = false, bool logStatements = false, }) : super.connect( connection ?? impl.connect( dbName, useWebWorker: useWebWorker, logStatements: logStatements, ), ); @override int get schemaVersion => 1; /// Helper method to add graph data from json Future<void> addGraphData( Map<String, dynamic> data, { bool shouldBatch = false, }) { return transaction(() async { try { final localNodes = data['nodes'] as List<dynamic>; final localEdges = data['edges'] as List<dynamic>; // Update nodes for (final node in localNodes) { final id = node['id'] as String?; if (id != null) { final current = await searchNodeById(id).getSingleOrNull(); final body = jsonEncode(node); if (current != null) { await updateNode(id, body); } else { await insertNode(body); } } } // Update edges for (final edge in localEdges) { final source = edge['from'] ?? edge['source'] as String?; final target = edge['to'] ?? edge['target'] as String?; if (source != null && target != null) { final body = jsonEncode(edge); await insertEdge(source, target, body); } } } catch (e) { debugPrint('Error adding graph data: $e'); } }); } Future<void> deleteAll() { return transaction(() async { try { await deleteAllEdges(); await deleteAllNodes(); } catch (e) { debugPrint('Error clearing graph data: $e'); } }); } Future<void> deleteAllEdges() { return transaction(() async { final edges = await getAllEdges().get(); for (final edge in edges) { await deleteEdge(edge.source,; } }); } Future<void> deleteAllNodes() { return transaction(() async { final nodes = await getAllNodes().get(); for (final node in nodes) { await deleteNode(; } }); } } ``` Create a new file at **build.yaml** and update it with the following: ```yaml targets: $default: sources: - lib/** - web/** - "tool/**" - pubspec.yaml - lib/$lib$ - $package$ builders: drift_dev: options: sql: dialect: sqlite options: version: "3.38" modules: - json1 - fts5 generate_connect_constructor: true apply_converters_on_variables: true generate_values_in_copy_with: true scoped_dart_components: true ``` Now run the following command to generate the database files: ```bash flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs ``` ## Connecting to the Database Add a new dependency to your **pubspec.yaml** file: ```bash flutter pub add graphview ``` This will be used for the graph visualization. Create a new file at **lib/main.dart** and update it with the following: ```dart import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_graph_database/flutter_graph_database.dart' as db; import 'package:graphview/GraphView.dart'; void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( title: 'Flutter Graph Database', debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, theme: ThemeData.dark(), home: const Example(), ); } } class Example extends StatefulWidget { const Example({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State<Example> createState() => _ExampleState(); } class _ExampleState extends State<Example> { final database = db.GraphDatabase(); Graph graph = Graph(); Algorithm builder = FruchtermanReingoldAlgorithm(); final nodes = <String, db.Node>{}; bool loaded = false; @override void initState() { super.initState(); WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => loadData()); } @override void reassemble() { super.reassemble(); // Needed to reset graph on hot reload loadData(); } void setLoadedState(bool value) { if (mounted) { setState(() { loaded = value; }); } } Future<void> addDummyData() async { // Load example data try { // Optionally reset data await database.deleteAll(); // Add example data to database await database.addGraphData({ "nodes": [ {"id": '1', "label": 'circle'}, {"id": '2', "label": 'ellipse'}, {"id": '3', "label": 'database'}, {"id": '4', "label": 'box'}, {"id": '5', "label": 'diamond'}, {"id": '6', "label": 'dot'}, {"id": '7', "label": 'square'}, {"id": '8', "label": 'triangle'}, {"id": '9', "label": "star"}, ], "edges": [ {"from": '1', "to": '2'}, {"from": '2', "to": '3'}, {"from": '2', "to": '4'}, {"from": '2', "to": '5'}, {"from": '5', "to": '6'}, {"from": '5', "to": '7'}, {"from": '6', "to": '8'}, {"from": '2', "to": '8'}, {"from": '1', "to": '8'}, {"from": '1', "to": '7'}, {"from": '1', "to": '6'}, {"from": '1', "to": '5'}, {"from": '1', "to": '4'}, {"from": '1', "to": '3'}, {"from": '1', "to": '9'}, {"from": '9', "to": '8'}, {"from": '9', "to": '5'}, {"from": '9', "to": '3'}, ] }); loadData(); } catch (e) { debugPrint('Error loading example data: $e'); } } Future<void> loadData() async { setLoadedState(false); final nodeMap = <String, Node>{}; this.nodes.clear(); graph = Graph(); builder = FruchtermanReingoldAlgorithm(); // Load graph data final nodes = await database.getAllNodes().get(); final edges = await database.getAllEdges().get(); for (final node in nodes) { final newNode = Node.Id(; nodeMap[] = newNode; this.nodes[] = node; graph.addNode(newNode); } for (final edge in edges) { final source = nodeMap[edge.source]; final target = nodeMap[]; if (source != null && target != null) { graph.addEdge(source, target); } } setLoadedState(true); } Widget buildNode(Node node) { final dbNode = nodes[node.key!.value]; final data = jsonDecode(dbNode?.body ?? '{}') as Map<String, dynamic>; final label = data['label'] ?? ''; return SizedBox( width: 80, height: 80, child: Center( child: Text( label, textAlign:, ), ), ); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('Flutter Graph Database'), actions: [ IconButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.restore), onPressed: addDummyData, ), ], ), body: !loaded ? const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()) : nodes.isEmpty ? const Center(child: Text('No Data Loaded')) : LayoutBuilder(builder: (context, dimens) { return SizedBox.expand( child: InteractiveViewer( constrained: false, boundaryMargin: EdgeInsets.symmetric( horizontal: dimens.maxWidth * 0.75, vertical: dimens.maxHeight * 0.75, ), minScale: 0.01, maxScale: 5.6, child: GraphView( key: UniqueKey(), graph: graph, algorithm: builder, paint: Paint() ..color = ..strokeWidth = 1 = PaintingStyle.stroke, builder: buildNode, ), ), ); }), ); } } ``` When you run the flutter app you should see the following: ![Preview](attachments/flutter/graph_db/thumbnail.webp) ## Conclusion If you want to learn more about building a graph database in Flutter, check out the [source code](