Using Fastlane in Flutter and CI



  1. Open your Flutter project

  2. Run: cd ios

  3. Run: fastlane init and follow the prompts

  4. Replace the Fastfile contents with this:


echo "App Release Automator by @rodydavis"

red=`tput setaf 1`
green=`tput setaf 2`
reset=`tput sgr0`

if [ ${action} = "build" ]; then

    echo "${green}Generating built files.. ${reset}"
    flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
    flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

    pub global activate pubspec_version
    git commit -a -m "Build $(pubver bump patch)"
    echo "${green}Building Project...${reset}"
    find . -name "*-e" -type f -delete
    flutter format .
    flutter clean

    echo "${green}Project Size: $(find . -name "*.dart" | xargs cat | wc -c)${reset}"

    echo "${green}Building APK...${reset}"
    flutter build apk

    echo "${green}Builing IPA..${reset}"
    cd ./ios && pod install && pod repo update && cd ..
    flutter build ios

    git commit -a -m "Project Rebuilt"

elif [ ${action} = "beta" ]; then

    echo "${green}Generating built files..${reset}"
    flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
    flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

    pub global activate pubspec_version
    git commit -a -m "Beta $(pubver bump patch)"
    echo "${green}Building Project...${reset}"
    find . -name "*-e" -type f -delete
    flutter format .
    flutter clean

    echo "${green}Project Size: $(find . -name "*.dart" | xargs cat | wc -c)${reset}"

    echo "${green}Building APK...${reset}"
    flutter build apk

    echo "${green}Sending Android to Beta...${reset}"
    cd ./android && fastlane beta && cd ..

    echo "${green}Builing IPA..${reset}"
    flutter build ios

    echo "${green}Sending iOS to Beta..${reset}"
    cd ./ios && fastlane beta && cd ..

    git commit -a -m "Sent to Beta"

elif [ ${action} = "release" ]; then

    echo "${green}Generating built files..${reset}"
    flutter packages pub run build_runner clean
    flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

    pub global activate pubspec_version
    git commit -a -m "Production $(pubver bump minor)"

    echo "${green}Building Project...${reset}"
    find . -name "*-e" -type f -delete
    flutter format .
    flutter clean

    echo "${green}Project Size: $(find . -name "*.dart" | xargs cat | wc -c)${reset}"

    echo "${green}Building APK...${reset}"
    flutter build apk

    echo "${green}Sending Android to Production...${reset}"
    cd ./android && fastlane release && cd ..

    echo "${green}Builing IPA..${reset}"
    flutter build ios

    echo "${green}Sending iOS to Production...${reset}"
    cd ./ios && fastlane release && cd ..

    git commit -a -m "Sent to Production"


echo "${green}Successfully completed${reset}"
  1. Run: cd .. && cd android

  2. Run: fastlane init and follow the prompts

  3. Replace the Fastfile contents with this:

# Uncomment the line if you want fastlane to automatically update itself
# update_fastlane


platform :android do
  desc "Prepare and archive app"
  lane :prepare  do |options|
    Dir.chdir "../.." do
      sh("flutter", "packages", "get")
      sh("flutter", "clean")
      sh("flutter", "build", "appbundle", "--release")
  desc "Push a new beta build to Google Play"
  lane :beta do
    prepare(release: false)
      track: 'beta',
      aab: "../build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app.aab"
      grouping: "fastlane-builds",
      prefix: "v",
      build_number: android_get_version_code

  desc "Push a new release build to the Google Play"
  lane :release do
    prepare(release: true)
      track: 'production',
      aab: "../build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app.aab"
      grouping: "release",
      prefix: "v",
      build_number: android_get_version_name
  1. Run: fastlane add_plugin versioning_android and enter your password if needed

  2. Run: cd ..

Now you are ready to launch your app to beta!

For ios run: cd ios && fastlane beta

For android run: cd android && fastlane beta

Stay tuned for an article soon where we use these fastlane sub folders for automating the releases on Github Actions CI

👍 👀 🔥 🚀 🎉 🤯 👎 ❤️
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